Registered Under : Indian Trust Act.1882
Date of Registration: 19/5/2017
Registration No. : 926/52/2017
PAN No. : AACTG8488Q
12A : AACTG8488QE20241
80G Exemption ; AACTG8588QF20241
NGO Darpan Unique ID: JH/2019/0231782
E-Annudan NGO ID : JH/00041782
CSR Registration No.: NA
GRACE CHARITABLE TRUST is vision for the upliftment of the status of the downtrodden , socioeconomic ,to empower the powerless,to organize the un-organized people and holistic development.
GRACE CHARITABLE TRUST is aim to serve the poor needy people with empower them with focus to the development of the poorest and weakest people in the society. Emphasizing development through people’s participation and empowering them to make the process sustainable in the area of health,education, culture,and livelihood and to stabilize the community by creating and promoting resources with its judicious use.
Service to mankind is Service to God and It is through public and voluntry srvice that change the Society..
Service to mankind is Service to God and It is through public and voluntry srvice that change the Society..
Service to mankind is Service to God and It is through public and voluntry srvice that change the Society..
Service to mankind is Service to God and It is through public and voluntry srvice that change the Society..